Monday, December 14, 2009

The art of reading into events in life.

I'm sure you have heard of the old saying, "Everything happens for a reason." Even though many of us may believe in this notion, I do not follow the same generalized dogma.
I believe there are those events in life that are random by nature, called accidents. They have no special meanings. They are usually traumatic and may have lasting results.
However, some events in life do happen for a reason. They carry meaningful messages which are meant to be noticed by their receivers. I have received many of these messages in my lifetime, some of which I have been able to decipher and some others, I did not pay attention to till later on when I finally managed to look back and see them.
Like they say, "Hind sight is 20/20." But seeing these clues and recognizing their meanings afterwards may be too late and useless.
That is why I have been studying the nature of these events and have coined the name PSYNOLOGY. It is the art of reading into those events in life that "are meant to be."
I have been collecting stories and data for the past 10 years in order to fathom more about these Psyns. I have managed to narrow down the unique qualities of these meaningful events and differentiate them with those of accidental nature.
This blog is for those who have stories to share and experiences to disclose. I urge you to post your true events as they happened, with or without any specific meaning, for I am planing to publish the book about Psynology and to clarify the art of reading into these Psyns.
Whether you are a religious, a skeptic or agnostic or even an atheist, you can believe in the notions that not all events are accidents and in fact some events do happen for a reason. This is the blog to find "that reason."


  1. Love IS Stronger Than Justice!!!

    Years ago, my family and I visited the Grand Canyon during a winter holiday. While there, we found ourselves totally grounded, observing all the beauty that nature crafted patiently through hundreds of million years. As we drove through different sceneries, we were listening to a Sting (the English singer and song writer) CD. Before I knew it, I found myself distracted as one of the Sting songs got stuck in my head and my brain couldn’t stop helplessly repeating the same lyrics over and over, “love is stronger than justice…..” I was mostly annoyed since the simple phrase of “love is stronger than justice” just did not make any sense to me.
    So, I asked my husband and my daughter who was about 10 years-old at that time, “Do you get the meaning of this song?” They both advised me to stop analyzing meaningless lyrics that were just put together to sound good. So I ejected the new CD, tossed it somewhere in the dashboard and turned off the CD player.
    Six years passed by. It was a hot and frustrating summer day; I had to go to court and obtain a restraining order against my next door neighbor, who intentionally broke my daughter’s front car window and used to be a close family friend. As I entered the court hallway, I saw my neighbor. I was shocked seeing here there. After all, besides the officer who advised me to get the restraining order for the safety of my daughter, nobody else knew about this. Nonetheless, within few seconds, I was able to put aside all my anger, walk toward her, look into her eyes and neutrally ask her, “Why did you do this?” “What is happening with you?” After a moment of silence, she broke into black tears, washing down all her mascara. Then I simply asked her, “what are you doing here?” She said that she had to come in and deal with a law suit that she found out was pending against her. Next, I told her why I was there and added that I was willing to work things out with her. At this point, we sat down at some chairs near by. I reminded myself and her how thankful I was for her being one of the first visitors when my son was born and the times that she offered feeding our dog while we were in vacation. Within the next few minutes, a young man came to us and ask her to attend one of the court rooms upstairs where the law suit was taking place. So I said a quick good bye, telling her that I forgave her and that I was willing to let go of that bitter experience even if she decides not to pay the insurance deductible.
    Next, I got back into my car, took a long breath and turned on my engine. As the car turned on, there was those same haunting lyrics, the radio was playing the Sting song, “Love is stronger than justice”. I could not help but to let my tears roll down and wash my mascara. It took me six years, but I finally understood the meaning of those once so seemingly ridiculous lyrics.

  2. Thank you Ladan for sharing your story, teaching me that there are those psyns that are connected which require internal awareness with the world in order to decipher future messages that life events bring. I have had my share of many post-realizations. One that has been with me for the past 20 years is the traumatic car accident that I was invovled in.
    I was back to LA from Boston since my mother fell ill with advanced cancer. It was devastating. I needed to make her life easier. So I began working in my brother's construction company and living with my mother. She was happy to have me around. But one day, I got into a terrible car accident that almost killed me. That day like everyday, I had to make a decision. That particular decisive factor happened to be whether to take the freeway or the surface street, since I was headed back home during afternoon rush hour. My decision to take the surface street landed me in the hospital with internal bleeding and crushed eye socket (left). After that, I became self-centered and resentful. My negative feelings began to permeate me to the point of self-inflicting hatred which was sabotaging and painful. I needed a relief and I began self-medicating with drugs and alcohol in order to reduce the pain. Soon I lost perspective and lost my relationships, even with my mother. The main reason of my being there was replaced with resenting the fact that I was no longer the handsome looking young man I was known to be. I was runing away from myself, turning my back to the world. Of course that way of thinking got me into trouble even to the point of becoming a deviant. My mother's death brought about another wave of hatred that sent me deeper into my abyss. However, in my self created miserable world I was still getting many psyns that pointed to recovery and self-preservation. But I did not have the mental presence to see them. Not until one day when I became tired of feeling miserable. I needed a fresh start. It was as if the world has changed its look and I was part of this new look. Three years into my udergrad studies, I began looking back and I was able to see the real message of the entire event. the fact that my car accident, despite its physical and mental damage, was meant for me to be more appreciative and grateful while getting me ready for my mother's inevitable death. I needed to be grateful of the fact that I could have been dead. Instead I was saved. But I could not see it. However, the question as been on my mind; Why was I saved? It sure was not for me to piss on my life by being intoxicated and drugged.
    Ladan, you sent me the graphic video of a pedestrian who got hit by a passing automobile which was hit by another car while crossing an intersection. The poor man who just hapened to be in a wrong place at a wrong time was not in any way involved in what was caused by these two autombiles. Yet he too became involved. Luckily he was saved and not badly injured only because the car that rolled over him was indented by the other car and that dent saved the man's life. Psynology questions the reason of why the man was saved. You see, as I have said in my writings, there are two types of events; accidents and psyns. Interestingly enough though, even some of these accidents do hae some underlying psyns that have meanings. yes the event occuring by these two vehicles hiting each other was mainly an accident, but the event that involved the pedestrian was not. That part lends hand to a meaningful message, a psyn. This psyn is meant for that man to see and everyone else can only postulate or guess. Of course, should this man describe his series of events or more to an analyst or a counselor, then he may be able to see through all the cobwebs of this materialistic world the true meaning of that event. I hope he does. Take care.

  3. Nader Jan, you brought back many sad memories of that horrific day. I still recall the drive to the hospital hoping and praying you would make it. My prayers were answered.... just as they were the day you decided to turn your life around and get on the right track. I hope you know how proud I am of you and ALL of your accomplishments. You have achieved so much! You truly are an impressive role model for many. I Love You bro....Lobat

  4. In an analog world, attempting to distill random or occasioned thought into something meaningful requires the ability to work with symbols and metaphors that are often abstract, or privately arcane. Communication requires that the symbolic be raised to the level of community-level or universal understanding. That's why stereotypes continue to work. Okay. Having said all that psycho-babble, one of my great pleasures in life is reading, and, another, writing, both steeped in symbolism. The event I will now describe took place two days before the JFK assassination. I awoke from a vivid dream in which I was walking with a friend along a darkened street somewhere in Florida. At the end of the block there was an hellish fire, fire engines, police cars -- all kinds of activities. We hurried along to discover what was going on and arrived in time to witness the removal of a dead body. I asked: "What happened? Who died?" The answer, from a harried fireman: "Harvey Oswald." Premonition? Coincidence? I don't claim to be clairvoyant, but the incident affected me in such a dramatic way that I wrote it down in my journal.

    Not long after I found great interest in metaphysics and especially in Eastern mysticism; you know, the Zen approach to meditation whereby one attempts to empty one's mind so it is ready/prepared to be filled -- that perfect "zero" with no beginning and no end, where time has no meaning, and in the middle of that circle, nothing, or, from another paradigm, everything.

    Anthony, I think you have an interesting blog going, here. It is through the shared understanding or interpretation of symbols and metaphores that we get at the great "unknown." So, it's not just communication, but understanding -- what a great yeild.

  5. Thank you Michael. I agree with what you had to say. Interestingly though, psynology does not require clairvoyant or psychic ability. In fact it has much less to do with any of that. All it takes is ones' intuition and open mindedness. Many times I have found myself at a cross road unable to find the right choice. It was then by paying attention to the psyns that I was able to make my decision and it turned out to be the right one. These psyns have meanings that are only meant to be for that someone on the receiving end. They are meant to bring clarity in time of confusion or distress. I have heard stories and experienced many occasions where there was no explanation for their occurances yet they all had meaningful messages built into them. At times like these we settle to say; they were meant to be. But we forget or fall short in seeking what they really mean. Psynology opens the possibility of seeking these events' meanings and their messages. And it is so liberating and nurturing when the messages are realized, especially when the realization occurs promptly. And that requires training as well as conscious effort to pay attention to these events through intuitive processes. And that my dear friend you have. Take care.

  6. When I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer four years ago, I was devastated, frightened and angry. My life was changed completely. Joy was solidified into grief. I cried for most of the time thinking about the wellbeing of me and my family.

    A year after my diagnosis, I decided to go on vacation to Puerto Rico to reunite with old friends of my school days. I went to make final amends under the circumstances of an uncertain future. During the time being, I stayed over at my cousin’s house.

    My parents own a house that nobody currently lives in. After telling my cousin that I wanted to see the old house, he took me there. Once there, he waited until I opened the door and left there for about four hours. While at the house, I listened to a radio station that played romantic songs, and all of a sudden, the radio host began to talk about God and miracles. I will not deny that I was scared, but I continued to listen, and then thought about what the radio host was saying. Shortly after, my cousin came to get me and I spent the night over at my cousin’s house. However, something bothered me. It was an urge to go back to my parents’ old house. So I told this to my cousin and he took me back the next day when I opened the two front doors. It came to my surprise that a there was a picture on the ground facing me with an image of God’s hand and a message stating “I have never forgotten you, I am holding you in my hands”. I began to cry and suddenly I felt comforted. I had an intimation that it was a message from God intended toward me. I knew that he wanted me to remain faithful. Soon after, I went back to my cousin’s house and asked my family if anybody else besides me had spare keys to the old house. Apparently, nobody else had access to the old house. I showed them the mysterious picture. They had never seen it before. This was an epiphany for me. I got up, stood tall, and began the arduous fight for my life. I declared “I will not fall victim to this illness without giving a valiant effort.

    My life has changed so much since then. Three years after this experience, God has blessed me. Even though according to doctors, I am not completely healed, I feel healthy and am content with a desire to live a positive life. The experience though has taught me to see life in a positive prospective. I even found those old friends with whom I have not spoken to in so many years.

    You Anthony are one of them. Thank you. Your friendship is priceless. And yes I do believe in signs that bring you a life message, sometimes people chose to ignore them, but I didn’t. I am one of the happiest people because I am still alive and I have the most loving family and friends.

  7. What an uplifting story. Thank you for sharing. It gives me great pleasure to find you again in such good spirit, despite the agony you went through. You are such inspiration to me and many others. Yes, there are those psyns that are products of miracle. I have had them too. Their messages are even more intriguing since they are life saving. We might ask ourselves, why? Why was I saved? Psynology helps to find that answer. It shows you the way to see through series of inexplicable events and realize the nature of these psyns. Only then one can find the meaning of life.

  8. I would also like to share a story of my own that to me described how Psynology can work. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason and some things in life are truly meant to be.
    My mum is disabled as she has many problems with her spine as a result she had around 20 operations on her spine alone. When she was 12 she found out that she had scoliosis, this was left untouched for several years causing her condition to worsen. Her parents sent her to the UK all alone to have an operation when she was 16/17, however her first operation didn't go well and her doctor put a rod in her spine which was too long therefore the rod was sticking out of her neck. This meant she would have to have another operation when she was 18. After her second operation, the doctor found out she was pregnant. He insisted that she should have an abortion and that there is no way she would be able to cope with her condition. My mum decided not to have an abortion, whatever the consequences.
    She kept me and it was hard for her. But without me she wouldn’t have coped. She was alone and only had me to keep her company. Now I help look after and we are like sisters. If mum didn’t have me and had an abortion instead, she wouldn’t have been where she is today. She would have been in a much worse situation and she would be alone. She always says that I have given her the energy to fight her pain and suffering throughout the years.
    This to me says that my mum was given me for a reason to give her the strength to fight all the pain she has gone through.
