Monday, December 14, 2009

The art of reading into events in life.

I'm sure you have heard of the old saying, "Everything happens for a reason." Even though many of us may believe in this notion, I do not follow the same generalized dogma.
I believe there are those events in life that are random by nature, called accidents. They have no special meanings. They are usually traumatic and may have lasting results.
However, some events in life do happen for a reason. They carry meaningful messages which are meant to be noticed by their receivers. I have received many of these messages in my lifetime, some of which I have been able to decipher and some others, I did not pay attention to till later on when I finally managed to look back and see them.
Like they say, "Hind sight is 20/20." But seeing these clues and recognizing their meanings afterwards may be too late and useless.
That is why I have been studying the nature of these events and have coined the name PSYNOLOGY. It is the art of reading into those events in life that "are meant to be."
I have been collecting stories and data for the past 10 years in order to fathom more about these Psyns. I have managed to narrow down the unique qualities of these meaningful events and differentiate them with those of accidental nature.
This blog is for those who have stories to share and experiences to disclose. I urge you to post your true events as they happened, with or without any specific meaning, for I am planing to publish the book about Psynology and to clarify the art of reading into these Psyns.
Whether you are a religious, a skeptic or agnostic or even an atheist, you can believe in the notions that not all events are accidents and in fact some events do happen for a reason. This is the blog to find "that reason."